Holistic Health Coaching Services

Book a Consultation

About Your Coach

Hey there, I’m Sarah Bradley, lovingly known as Petals. I’m a double-certified Holistic Ayurvedic Health Counselor trained in Feminine Form Ayurveda, Classical Ayurveda, and Herbalism. Ayurveda originated in India and literally translates into "the science of life". It is the oldest health science that we have record of as humans and is the sister science of yoga.

If we have the pleasure of working together, we will focus on the mind / body relationship, healthy digestion, the nervous system, and overall diet and lifestyle factors.

This is a ZERO judgment zone - we are here to help. We are all a beautiful mix of different variables, and the goal here is to learn more about ourselves so we can deeply understand the best way to take care of ourselves. I truly love creating a safe place to explore these principles.


Body In Balance

Journey Coaching

  • What it is + What it looks like:

    This is a Holistic Ayurvedic Treatment Plan identifying your unique imbalances to create a personalized treatment plan to achieve goals for true balance, health and wellness through diet, lifestyle and herbs. This offering is for all peoples, no prerequisites or knowledge of Ayurveda needed.

    We will identify your dosha, which means your "constitution" (aka your chemical makeup) that tells us a lot about what types of foods, activities, herbs, etc. are best for you. We then identify where your dosha is out of balance and will set goals to bring it back into balance so you can feel your best and have optimum health and wellness. I do not diagnose any conditions, but if you have a pre-existing diagnosis, we will absolutely work with that condition in our journey plan.

    This is an Eastern Healthcare approach (much different than our allopathic Western approach) and seeps in very deeply for lasting changes. Even though we love herbs, it's not based around just taking a handful of herb/supplements everyday and calling it quits. It's getting into the deep grooves of wellness and awareness so you can be your own healer. Although it takes great commitment to life changes, it is SUPER potent and beautiful and it really works! Have no fear, we will move slowly and steadily, as that is the only way to make a lasting impact. You will meet yourself more deeply than you ever have, observing who you are elementally, which gives us useful information about how to best interact with your unique constitution. We will be diving deeply into all things you, from a place of curious exploration of who you really are, surrounding the answers that present themselves with love, always holding the beautiful and imperfect human we find with the greatest support.

  • Cost and duration:

    Complimentary initial 15 min Consultation Call to see if we’re a good fit and identify chief complaints and goals.

    If we decide to move forward: You’ll fill out our extensive Intake Form, which we will go over in our first Intake Session (2 hours/$165).

    We will then meet once a week for 6 weeks (1 hr sessions via zoom - $85/session). During the first few weeks together, I will take all of the information we gather and create a Journey Treatment Plan for you, in which we will set health + wellness goals and supporting actions to achieve them. After the 6 weeks is up, we will then scale back to meeting 2x/month. Then eventually (this is totally dependent on your desires, our goals, and progress/blockers), scale back to just meeting once per season and doing cleansing together in the Spring in Fall. Every client is a little different in terms of when we scale back, but this is a general outline. All of this is optional, you're never tied into anything after your initial 6 week program is completed. If at the end of that period, it's not fitting into your life or vibe, we can put it all on hold or set it aside altogether.

Dosha Evaluation

  • What it is + What it looks like:

    Together, we will delve into ALL that is YOU from an Ayurvedic lense to determine your doshic make up. Your dosha is determined in percentages, as we are a unqiue combination of all three doshas. Typically, though, we have one single dominant dosha. This is helpful information to understand about yourself, as it shines a light on your mental, physical and emotional propensities and offers many helpful tools to stay in balance and prevent escalation of symtoms that you might be overlooking as “normal” or write off by saying “that’s just the way I have always been”.

    Together, we will look at photos of you from all stages of your life, observe your physical, mental and emotional tendencies, complete a tongue and physical body structure of your current state to come to a determination of your dosha.

    I will offer a guideline of what this means and how you can apply this information to your life to better care for yourself. If you’d like to continue going deeper into this Care Plan Journey, you are able to schedule further 1 hr Health Coaching sessions for additional guidance.

  • Cost and duration:

    2 hour Dosha Evaluation Session - $225 (via Zoom or in person in Clayton, GA)

    Follow-up Sessions - $85/60 min (via Zoom)

    To schedule your evaluation, click this button to email Petals so you can pick a day and time that works for you.

"Working with Petals for my first experience with Ayurvedic coaching was a dream. She provided relentless support, detailed education to help me understand the world of Ayurveda, but also the specifics related to my body's constitution and caring for it. The process was thorough and transparent; Petals guided me through my overarching structure and deeply listened when I asked about the process or shared my concerns and desires for better living. Each task was tailored to me, rehearsed, and discussed enough for me to feel confident continuing even after coaching ended. Not only did she share personalized strategies, education, and exercises, she shared her nourishing and divine genuine self. Her presence in itself was such a gift! I could not have imagined a better human to usher me into the world of Ayurveda.”

Maeva Alexander

Mama In Balance

Fertility+ Pre-Conception Optimization

  • What it is + What it looks like:

    This coaching program holistically prepares mothers (and their partners) for optimum health preconception. Conception of a baby starts first with intention; step two is preparing and nourishing the body to create a flourishing and fertile container to conceive and carry their baby.

    The study of epigenetics has reiterated what ancient cultures have been practicing for centuries. It is now scientifically proven that you can alter the DNA selection and sequencing you pass on to your child by creating optimum health and balance within your own bodies.

    During our working together, we will first identify your current imbalances and create an individualized treatment plan to help guide healing and balance back into your body. This helps foster a strong container for conception for both you and your baby, offering the highest chance of vibrant health and nourishment, which will bring ease and balance to your pregnancy and labor. I will offer fertility meal plans, personalized herbal formulas, daily cleansing + grounding routines and mind-body exercises to give your baby the best genetic selection and growing environment and a peaceful, confident mama.

    Although it is not required, we encourage your partner/the father to join you in this program, as both sperm and egg quality are equally important in conception, as is having a team to bring strength to the lifestyle changes and routines you’ll be practicing.

  • Cost + Duration:

    3 or 6-month Coaching Programs:


    1) Complimentary 15 min Consultation Call to see if we’re a good fit and identify goals and chief concerns.

    2) Then, you’ll fill out our extensive Intake Form, which we will go over in our first Intake Session, which is 2 hours and $165.

    3) -6 month program: We will then meet every other week for 6 months (1 hr sessions via zoom) which are $85/session -3 month program: We will then meet once per week for 3 months (1 hr sessions via zoom) which are $85/session.

    Note: -The 6 month program is best paired with our Spring or Fall 2 week Kitchari Cleanse. -We recommend the 6 month program over the 3 month to give you + your body more time to integrate these beautiful + lasting changes.

Baby In Balance

Pregnancy Coaching

  • What it is + What it looks like:

    A mother's body gives nourishment and nutrition to its baby first and its own body second. This coaching program includes pregnancy specific meal plans and protocols for each trimester to help nourish your baby and your own body, preventing depletion during and after your pregnancy. When desired, we also utilize mild herbal formulas that support pregnancy and we always include mind-body exercises to help prepare the body and mind for birth. This diet, lifestyle and herbal therapy is uniquely prescribed for each individual mama after we dive deeply into your own body’s unique “dosha”, or composition. This preliminary dive will guide the selection of healing modalities and food choices to uniquely balance your body and provide optimum health through each trimester.

    This coaching program includes up to 10 months of Individualized Health Coaching to support your body through the stages of pregnancy. We will first identify your current imbalances and create an individualized treatment plan to help guide balance in your body. This helps foster a strong container for both you and your baby, offering the highest chance of vibrant health and nourishment, which will bring ease and balance to your pregnancy and labor.

  • Cost + Duration:

    1) Complimentary initial 15 min Consultation Call to see if we’re a good fit and identify goals and chief concerns.

    2) Then, you’ll fill out our extensive Intake Form, which we will go over in our first Intake Session, which is 2 hours and $165.

    3) We will then meet every other week for up to 10 months (1 hr sessions via zoom) which are $85/session.

Mother Baby Balance

Postpartum // 4th Trimester

  • What it is + What it looks like:

    A mother's body undergoes a huge transformation (and oftentimes depletion) during pregnancy and birth and needs love and care following this big transition. This coaching program recognizes the nourishment that is needed for Mama following birth, which will flow down to a nourished and happy Baby. We will create meal plans, specific herbal formulas and mind-body practices to help you and your baby transition back into balance. We will utilize many time-tested Ayurvedic practices and protocols that will help you and your baby stay nourished, such as yoni steaming, lactation support, abhyanga and baby massage. These practices help prevent undesired postpartum depletion and shorten the window of your rejuvenation period.

    The Sacred Window of your 4th Trimester (Postpartum) is 6 weeks long. We will meet for an Initial Planning Session approximately 1 month before your scheduled due date, then 1x/week for 1 hour after birth. During the Planning Session, I will give you a list of desired items to purchase so you are beautifully prepared for your Sacred Window before birth.

  • Cost and Duration:


    1) Complimentary initial 15 min Consultation Call to see if we’re a good fit and identify goals.

    2) Meet for our Initial Planning Session (2 hrs via Zoom/$165). This should be scheduled approximately 1 month before your estimated due date.

    3) After birth, we will meet 1x/week via zoom ($85/session) for 6 weeks to carry out these nourishing practices and identify and target any presenting imbalances.