Guided Group Cleanse

Kitchari Cleansing for the Gut, Liver, Mind + Beyond


Ayurveda recognizes Spring + Fall as optimum times for cleansing. These seasons have unique qualities that we work with to detox + restore.

2024 Fall Cleanse dates:

September 22 - 28

We’re so excited to cleanse with you!

  • You are welcome here! Don’t be intimidated, this is going to be fun! Between ease and effort lies your growth.

    Cleansing the body can be a nourishing (and not depleting) act! Our societal obsession with detoxing can be mentally and physically unhealthy, but it IS likely that you have some toxic sludge stored in the cracks and crevices of your sweet bod. Instead of aggressively putting our bodies into states of shock to detox, it can be much more conducive to escort this toxic goop out by working WITH your body, feeding it nourishing foods while supercharging its natural elimination + detox pathways.

  • Ayurvedic Kitchari Cleansing is such a beautiful, time-tested game changer. As it works to pull toxic buildup (aka “ama” in Sanskrit // Ayurveda lingo) out of your body, it also deeply nourishes and replenishes the tissues it’s drawing from, instead of simply depleting your body of all that it contains, good or bad, as many modern detox regimens do. This style of cleansing supports and cleanses your liver + kidneys and works to balance your digestive system, nervous system, hormones and lymphatics. So although it’s primarily focused on gut + liver cleansing, considering it’s all connected in our holistic model, there’s truly no aspect of your mind or body that would get left out of this deep clean!

Q + A

  • How long does it last?

    15 days total: 1 week of “Active Cleansing” and 4 days of Pre + Post Cleansing before and after the Active Cleansing week to ease into and out of the cleanse.

    What is the Pre-Cleanse + Post-Cleanse?

    These are 4 days before and after the “Active Cleansing” period that are designed to ease your body into a state of cleansing and back out into your typical diet + lifestyle gracefully. During the Pre + Post-Cleanse periods, you will begin removing the foods on the “Elimination List” from your diet (dairy, gluten, soy, sugars, alcohol, substances + excessive meat and caffeine consumption) as much as possible. Perfection is not necessary here! You just want to ensure you’re not eating fast food and milkshakes on the days leading up to your cleanse so that you get the best results and do it in a way that is respectful of your mind and body.

    What do we eat during Cleansing?

    During the entirety of the 15 days, you will eliminate certain types of foods from your diet (dairy, gluten, soy, sugars, alcohol, substances + excessive meat and caffeine consumption). During the week of active cleansing, you will eat predominantly Kitchari, which is a delicious traditional Indian dish that basically includes basmati rice, mung beans, veggies and digestive spices. Special recipes and instructions will be sent to you to guide you through making this meal in different delicious variations throughout the week.

    We will also be consuming specialized and gentle herbal formulas, liver detox juices and be working with internal and external oleation (oiling) for a full-body experience.

    If giving up caffeine is terrifying, fear not, you can continue to consume it in smaller quantities throughout the Cleanse.

    Where do I get the supplies? Do I cook all of the meals?

    Yes, you cook all of the meals! You can easily make a batch that will last multiple days if you are not able to cook your kitchari every day, although kitchari is ideally consumed within 24 hours of cooking it for cleansing purposes. But once again, we are not striving for perfection, we are striving for the best cleanse experience we have available at this moment in time! Leftover kitchari is better than no kitchari at all! :) *Breakfast will not be kitchari, but will be very easy to make as well!

    The only pre-requisite you need is a desire to do your mind + body good, a kitchen to cook in and a device (phone/computer) to access Cleanse emails + videos.

    All of the foods + culinary supplies can be found at a local grocer or online. We will guide you with your shopping list.

    You may purchase your herbal formulas and oils on your own or you can purchase them through us at a discounted cleanse package rate.

    If you’d like to participate in the at-home juicing, you’ll need a juicer or a high speed blender. I use my Vitamix and it works beautifully. Instapots are amazing for cooking kitchari, but definitely not necessary. Pots and pans are great too!

    How much $ should I expect to spend on supplies?

    About $75 for the herbs + oils if you choose to go with the basics. We try to make it as accessible as possible to all you fine folks!

    The cost of buying the food is about the same (and oftentimes cheaper) than what folks spend on meals/food for a week in their normal lives.

    We will be offering a "Cleanse Kit" that includes all of the basic herbal protocols + oils you'll need plus ghee, spice blends and broth for $155. This will provide many of the food items you'll need as well.

    There are a variety of optional add ins so you can really choose your own adventure based on your preferences and budget.

  • Will I have energy / can I work during the cleanse? What should I expect?

    Yes! While this cleanse focuses on the body and digestive tract, through our holistic practice, we understand that it is all connected. You will likely notice shifts in your digestion and elimination, mood, energy and emotions throughout the journey. This cleanse includes recommended morning/evening routine and lifestyle practices that are equally as important as the foods you will eat. While you will be able to carry on with your daily life and work, we recommend setting up your workload to be as light + smooth as possible (not over-stacked) and keep your personal commitments + projects to a minimum. There will be lots of physical + mental processing that happens during this time and you will get the most out of this cleanse by giving your body time and space to perform these functions. Some folks take time off work and treat this like an at home retreat, which is highly recommended of course, but not necessary!

    During the cleanse, expect to notice a change in elimination and potentially mood, emotions, energy levels, skin symptoms, body odor, etc. This is all totally normal.

    How are we guided through this Guided Group Cleanse?

    If you haven’t met me already, my name is Petals and I’m the founder of Woodland Wellness. I’m a Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Coach and Practitioner and will be guiding you through every step of this journey!

    Upon signing up, I will send you a welcome email with all of the information you need to get started. You will receive shopping lists to prepare you for your journey. It’s best that you sign up as soon as you’re able, as you’ll have adequate time to prepare + acquire supplies!

    You will receive emails leading up to cleanse to prepare you for the process as well as a recap email each day of Active Cleansing to guide you through day-to-day info + instructions.

    BONUS MORNING MEETS - A very special part of our cleanse is our “Morning Ritual Meets”, which are group Zoom calls that we host each morning for 7 days during Active Cleansing. Each day is a little different but you can expect:

    -Educational lessons and demonstrations on concepts + practices within the Holistic Health + Ayurveda realm

    -Practicing Nervous System regulating techniques and learning why they’re important

    -Connect as a group and ask questions + reflect in real time

    It’s lots of fun and is a unique and valuable addition to this cleanse. If you can’t attend these Meets, I will share the recordings daily in the Recap Email. You will also have full access to our Cleanse Group Message Board where you can ask me any cleanse-related questions and connect with the rest of the group about your experience.

    What if those dates don’t work for me?

    Although it’s ideal for you to follow along with us day by day, you can totally shift your Pre, Post and Active Cleanse dates to fit your calendar if need be. Example - You could start your cleanse days or weeks later as long as you followed the same guidelines sent out in the daily emails. Each video call is recorded and can be watched at a later date to help you feel like you were present with us in the moment! Our group message board will be open for 4 weeks after the end of Active Cleansing so any stragglers can continue asking questions!

    Is this vegetarian/vegan friendly?

    Yes for both! The cleanse is extremely conducive to vegetarians, as meat is eliminated during the cleanse. It's ideal to use broth to make the kitchari instead of water, so you can just use veggie broth instead of bone broth!

    For vegans, you’ll also switch out the ghee for other oils like coconut + flax.

Still have questions?

Only a system in which all parts flourish is holisitic.

- Chris Kilham